COST Action IS1005 Medioevo Europeo. Medieval Cultures and Technological Resources.
Medieval Cultures on the Web. Interoperability Through Text and Manuscript Databases.
In Europe and in North-America several projects are trying to handle the problem of the multitude of data-bases concerning medieval texts and manuscripts. Different aims and standards are proposed by networks of philologists, codicologists, librarians. The research about medieval cultures will depend more and more on such decisions. Presenting an Italian project of interoperability, the workshop will provide a discussion about goals and practices for the next future.
COST Action IS1005 Medioevo Europeo. Medieval Cultures and Technological Resources.
chair Agostino Paravicini Bagliani
The main objective of the Action is to increase accessibility to and integration of medieval research results and tools through improved technological instruments and skills. Achieving the Action’s objectives is made possible through the collaboration of key European institutes that have developed large scale databases, become familiar with related problems and attempted to identify targeted solutions.
Working Group 2 - Manuscripts and textual tradition.
chair Matthew Driscoll
from the Memorandum of Understanding:
In keeping with the over-all aims of the COST Action, Working Group 2 seeks to develop proposals for standardising data pertaining to manuscripts and texts in order to facilitate dialogue between existing and emerging electronic resources such as manuscript catalogues and digital text editions.
7 march: Università degli Studi di Firenze Rettorato – Aula Magna, Piazza San Marco 4, 50121 Firenze
8-9 march: Istituto Gould, Via de' Serragli 49, 50124 Firenze
Organising Committee
Emiliano Degl'Innocenti, Matthew Driscoll, Lino Leonardi, Agostino Paravicini Bagliani
Local Organiser
Fondazione Ezio Franceschini onlus, Certosa del Galluzzo, 50124 Firenze,
Silvia Agnoletti (COST Action IS1005)
Marinella Tucci (Fondazione Ezio Franceschini onlus)
Invited experts
Guglielmo Bartoletti (Biblioteca Marucelliana), Marco Bellandi (Università di Firenze), Pietro Beltrami (CNR-OVI, Firenze), Vicenç Beltran (IEC, Barcelona), Marco Biffi (Accademia della Crusca), Andrea Bozzi (CNR-ILC, Pisa), Teresa De Robertis (Università di Firenze), Simon Gaunt (King's College, London), Giovanna Lazzi (Bibl. Riccardiana, Firenze), Lucia Pinelli (SISMEL, Firenze), Gabriella Pomaro (SISMEL, Firenze), Ida Giovanna Rao (Bibl. Medicea Laurenziana, Firenze), Wolfram Seidler (Universität Wien)