Music / Technology
Journal of the Fondazione Ezio Franceschini
Published annually since 2007 [online]
Registered at the Florence Court on 31/03/2006, identification number 5489
Publisher: Firenze University Press (Florence)
Director: Marco Ligabue (Conservatorio di Firenze)
Associate editors: Francesco Carreras (ISTI-CNR di Pisa), Paolo Zavagna (Conservatorio di Castelfranco Veneto)
Scientific committee: Antonio Camurri (DIST – Università di Genova), Pascal Decroupet (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis), François Delalande (GRM Paris), Giovanni De Poli (Università di Padova), Agostino Di Scipio (Conservatorio di Napoli), Ivan Fedele (Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia, Roma), Marc Leman (University of Ghent), Angelo Orcalli (Università di Udine), Veniero Rizzardi (Conservatorio di Castelfranco Veneto), Curtis Roads (Media Arts and Technology, University of California, Santa Barbara), Davide Rocchesso (IUAV, Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia), Dennis Smalley (London City University), Marco Stroppa (Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Stuttgart), Alvise Vidolin (Conservatorio di Venezia)
Only after the advent of electricity and its instrumental applications did those who work in the sphere of music become completely aware of the relationship between music and technology. And yet music has always had a technological dimension. Musica/Tecnologia ventures to explore this dimension, conscious that the relationships between the music world and the world of technology are often not linear, but rather characterised by differences in time and location. The exigency to which the journal seeks to respond is that of understanding the production mechanisms, and thus launches a reflection in order to no longer be unwittingly overwhelmed by them.