

The library of the FEF holds (as of 2016) 121.435 bibliographic units, most of them directly accessible on open shelves.
From an administrative point of view the library of the FEF and that of SISMEL are independent, but combined as the "Biblioteca di Cultura Medievale" they make up one of the largest collections in Europe for medieval studies. It contains about 180.000 bibliographic units; more than 800 journals, of which 234 are current; 9 manuscripts, 169 cinquecentine; 13 incunables; around 4000 microfilms of medieval codices; 462 CD-ROMs on subjects within the field of medieval studies. The reference sector is particularly extensive, containing hundreds of works - repertories, encyclopedias, indices of first lines, manuals, bibliographies and over 1.200 catalogues of manuscripts.
The entire catalogue can be consulted online: the authority file provides a base that allows the search to be optimised, cross-referencing Latin and vernacular forms of medieval authors and anonymous texts. It is possible to specify which catalogue within the collections of Ezio Franceschini and Gianfranco Contini, the catalogue of microfilms, or the catalogue of antique books.
Since May 2014 the catalogue of the library is embedded into the catalogue of the University of Florence, as a result of a convention with this institution.