EMAF 15-16 – Éditer le Moyen Âge
Éditer le Moyen-Âge français aux XVe-XVIe siècles (EMAF 15-16)
The database EMAF 15-16, ‟Editing the French Middle Ages in the 15th-16th Centuries“, offers a Repertoire of medieval texts in French prose that were printed in the late 15th and 16th Centuries.
EMAF 15-16 aims to be a useful tool for investigating the ways in which medieval literature was received in early printing. This material is not only an invitation to reconsider the complexity of the transition between the ‘Middle Ages’ and the ‘Renaissance’ in France in the first decades of the appearance of printing; it also represents the corpus of texts from which the idea of the Middle Ages germinated in modern Europe.
The specificity of EMAF 15-16 is to place the first printed books in relation to the textual tradition of the works they transmit. Therefore, EMAF 15-16 proposes to offer both an accurate description of the editio princeps (see the list of Imprimés anciens) with particular attention also to the previous manuscript tradition, and an overview of the entire printed tradition in the 15th-16th centuries for each work (see the list of Œuvres) with related bibliography.
EMAF 15-16 can be consulted in French in the Database ROMANZO (https://www.mirabileweb.it/romanzo) by selecting only the EMAF project.
Contents: To avoid a rigid separation between the ‘Middle Ages’ and the ‘Renaissance’, EMAF 15-16 includes the editio princeps of French texts written, translated (from Latin, Italian or other languages) or put in prose (mises en prose) before around 1500, without excluding medieval-inspired texts from the beginning of the 16th century. Considering the fluidity of literary genres in prose textual traditions, EMAF includes every narrative text in a broad sense: novelistic, didactic, historical. Texts for the theatre, texts of religious practice and technical manuals are excluded. Currently the EMAF Database does not include texts in verse, whose passage from manuscript to print through various collections and miscellanies is particularly complex; however, EMAF 15-16 database is conceived in order to be able to include also verse texts in the future.
Responsible for the drafting of the EMAF 15-16: Giuliano Rossi, giuliano.rossi@unimi.it
Project developed at the University of Siena in agreement with the Ezio Franceschini Foundation as part of the MUR-PRIN 2017 project: ‘Transition or revolution? For a new paradigm of French language and literature between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance’. Head of PRIN unit: Anne Schoysman, anne.schoysman@unisi.it
Database management, Ezio Franceschini Foundation: Irene Tani, irene_tani@yahoo.com
The database EMAF 15-16, ‟Editing the French Middle Ages in the 15th-16th Centuries“, offers a Repertoire of medieval texts in French prose that were printed in the late 15th and 16th Centuries.
EMAF 15-16 aims to be a useful tool for investigating the ways in which medieval literature was received in early printing. This material is not only an invitation to reconsider the complexity of the transition between the ‘Middle Ages’ and the ‘Renaissance’ in France in the first decades of the appearance of printing; it also represents the corpus of texts from which the idea of the Middle Ages germinated in modern Europe.
The specificity of EMAF 15-16 is to place the first printed books in relation to the textual tradition of the works they transmit. Therefore, EMAF 15-16 proposes to offer both an accurate description of the editio princeps (see the list of Imprimés anciens) with particular attention also to the previous manuscript tradition, and an overview of the entire printed tradition in the 15th-16th centuries for each work (see the list of Œuvres) with related bibliography.
EMAF 15-16 can be consulted in French in the Database ROMANZO (https://www.mirabileweb.it/romanzo) by selecting only the EMAF project.
Contents: To avoid a rigid separation between the ‘Middle Ages’ and the ‘Renaissance’, EMAF 15-16 includes the editio princeps of French texts written, translated (from Latin, Italian or other languages) or put in prose (mises en prose) before around 1500, without excluding medieval-inspired texts from the beginning of the 16th century. Considering the fluidity of literary genres in prose textual traditions, EMAF includes every narrative text in a broad sense: novelistic, didactic, historical. Texts for the theatre, texts of religious practice and technical manuals are excluded. Currently the EMAF Database does not include texts in verse, whose passage from manuscript to print through various collections and miscellanies is particularly complex; however, EMAF 15-16 database is conceived in order to be able to include also verse texts in the future.
Responsible for the drafting of the EMAF 15-16: Giuliano Rossi, giuliano.rossi@unimi.it
Project developed at the University of Siena in agreement with the Ezio Franceschini Foundation as part of the MUR-PRIN 2017 project: ‘Transition or revolution? For a new paradigm of French language and literature between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance’. Head of PRIN unit: Anne Schoysman, anne.schoysman@unisi.it
Database management, Ezio Franceschini Foundation: Irene Tani, irene_tani@yahoo.com