Florence, Certosa del Galluzzo, 28 November 2011.
Ecdotic Praxis. Philological seminars in memory of Giovanni Orlandi (in collaboration with the University of Milan)
The contribution of stylistics to textual critique: the cursus and metric as ectodic tools
Speakers: P. Beltrami, P. Chiesa, B. Grévin, L. Ricci.
«Prassi ecdotiche» " is the title of a series of seminars on philological themes, held in memory of Giovanni Orlandi. Begun in 2008 by the University of Milan, where Orlandi was professor, the cycle is now a joint collaboration with the FEF since 2010. Orlandi was among the founders of the FEF, an eminent member of the Scientific Committee, and driving force behind the review «Filologia mediolatina».