Regulations regarding consultation for the purpose of study of material conserved by the Fondazione Ezio Franceschini

1. Access to the Archives of the Foundation

Access to materials is possible only after approval is granted by the Board of Guarantors of the Foundation, as indicated in the Regulations. This is due to the confidential nature of some of the documents, and restrictions on use in accordance with current legislation.

Scholars must fill in all parts of the consultation request form. This form is available at the archives of the Foundation. It must be approved and signed by the Director or by a delegate of the Director.

Students, both undergraduates and graduates, must present a letter of guarantee from their professor in order to request authorisation to consult material.

2. Rules regarding publication.

Authorisation to publish consulted material is dependent on the written approval of the Board of Guarantors of the Foundation and on the subsequent assent of the Governing Board, for reasons of confidentiality stated above.

To obtain authorisation for publication it is necessary to provide a research project, signed by the project director.

When possible, publication of the documents will be carried out by the Foundation, which has a series dedicated to this purpose.

Scholars must give the Foundation one copy of any published work that uses or cites documents from the archives of the Foundation.

3. Hours.

Consultation is by appointment only, during opening hours.

4. Rules for study.

Documents must be returned in the exact order in which they were received.

Use of ink pens and felt-tip pens is forbidden.

The marking of archive material is forbidden.

Only one file or notebook may be consulted at a time; for letters, a maximum of ten may be consulted at a time.

5. Material available for consultation.

Consultation is limited to material that has been inventoried, except where authorised by the Foundation's Board of Guarantors and by the Governing Board.

For material that has been inventoried, the Direction of the Foundation will specify the conditions of consultation.

The Foundation may withhold from consultation any document whose state of conservation makes such measures necessary.

If material from the Foundation is published by an external publishing house, the Foundation reserves the right to authorise publication while maintaining copyright.

6. Photocopying.

No photocopies may be made of archive materials, either handwritten or typed, nor of printed material containing handwritten notes.

It may be possible to request a digital reproduction, with the authorisation of the Board of Guarantors and/or the Governing Board.

The documentary material can not be accessed outside the library.

7. General.

All personal information will be handled in accordance with current legislation.

Any behaviour that could incur damage to materials will result in immediate suspension from consultation.